Mar 2017Spring Renewal
If you have read BODY, now is the perfect time of year to do The 3 Day Cleanse. In traditional Chinese medicine spring is associated with the liver. The liver is your main organ of detoxification and spring time is generally seen as the best time of year to focus on letting go and discarding the excesses that have accumulated throughout the winter. As soon as…
Jan 2017Change for The New Year
Happy New Year! This is the time of year of personal reflection. Many of us question what really matters and consider making changes in our lives. Over the holidays I came across this quote and found its wisdom to be quite striking. “At each stage of learning we must give up something, even if it is a way of life that we have always known.” -by…
Oct 2016Time to Change Your Pillow?
Researchers studied pillows between 1.5 and 20 years old and found all of them contained a significant load of fungus. This may be a concern for those with compromised immune systems, asthma, sinus problems or allergies and anyone seeking to improve their health.
Mar 2016Acupressure Point for Instant Headache Relief
The acupuncture point known as “Large Intestine 4” is located in the middle of the web between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. This point can be massaged to relieve headaches or any discomfort in the head and face. It is also beneficial for helping the body overcome colds and flus and is a major point for relieving pain in general. The next time…
May 2015The Benefits of Peppermint
This common herb can be found in most people’s cupboards as an herbal tea. Peppermint is a fantastic herb for digestive complaints, especially for cramping, pain, bloating, gas, or nausea. It can also be used for colds and flus where there are signs of heat such as fever and sore throat. It can also benefit rashes and spasmodic coughs. Peppermint opens the skin’s pores allowing…
Oct 2014Build a Solid Foundation of Health
Getting well and staying well doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require the willingness to change and of course, taking action. The key is to start off by implementing the essential components of good health and then expanding from there. While it’s easy to brush off these basics as being “too simple” and opting to find health in an exotic pill bottle, it’s…
Aug 2014The Superfood Snack
Looking for an easy to make healthy snack? Try this simple mix of nuts, seeds, and berries to give your body a vigorous boost of power house nutrients. This superfood snack is loaded with omega 3 fats, vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, B vitamins, zinc, selenium, and a spectrum of phytonutrients. It also delivers a big dose of natural source magnesium—a vital mineral often lacking…
Jun 2014Eating with the Seasons
Different elements are at work during different times of the year. In the summer, the sun shines more consistently and temperatures rise. Consequently, most of us tend to spend more time outdoors, absorbing more vitamin D, and being more active. In traditional Chinese medicine, summer would be considered a “yang” time of year—hot and expansive. Consequently, it is in your highest interest to adapt to…
May 2014Qi Tonics
Qi or “chi” is a principle of traditional Chinese medicine. Qi is the vital life energy that supports and enlivens the body/mind system, flowing throughout the body like water through a river, and running through every major organ in the body. Each organ has its own qi that it is responsible for, and a deficiency or stagnation of its qi can result in health problems…
Mar 2014Chamomile for Pain
Chamomile is much more than just an herbal tea found in your local coffee shop. It is actually a treasured herb—capable of relieving pain, soothing infants, improving digestion, and calming the mind. The difference between enjoying chamomile as a casual beverage and using it medicinally is in the dosage. In order to get a therapeutic dose of chamomile, try infusing 2, 3, or even 4…